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PC Games for January 2020: The 9 Best Enjoyable

Hello and welcome to As we’ve successfully made it through one month of 2020 gaming. We thought to let you know what we played this month. This one whole month was full of kicking alien birds, cooking virtual shepherd’s pies, and ganking zombies with screwdrivers. Thus we decided to make this list of “PC Games for January 2020”

Which is the weirdest game in the year 2020?

The award for this title should be given to Speaking Simulator. This is one of the weirdest games I’ve played till now.

Which is the best game released in January 2020?

Any one cannot be said the best, but if you have to pick one. Then, I’ll go with Journey to the Savage Planet.

Here are our best PC games for January 2020. Let’s begin


Best Enjoyable PC Games for January 2020

Temtem feels like Pokemon in an alternate universe. In a universe where Nintendo stuck to the playing cards and love hotels instead of breaking into the games industry. In many ways, it’s exactly what GameFreak offers in some of the latest pre-Sword and Shield Pokemon games.

There are cute creatures, Temtems to tame, Dojos with Dojo Masters. All to defeat in violent pet combat, and a nefarious clan up to know good who you must thwart the plans of. There are other things in Temtem, though, that add to the formula.

It’s an MMO, so you’ll run into other players. You will be able to emote at, chat and trade with, and challenge in casual and ranked battles. All of the battles are two-on-two, either through co-op battles or through you being put in control of two of your Temtems.

And the battles also use a stamina system that adds risk/reward to your more powerful moves. As well as cooldown timers on moves that add more strategic depth. And they’re cute. My fave Temtem is Ganki, this cute bee dude with big stonking bullhorns.

He’s great and I love him. The game’s in early access and we’ll be covering it as it grows. But, you can check out more in-depth impressions in the video in the top right corner now.

Journey To The Savage Planet

Best Enjoyable PC Games for January 2020

It’s no. 2 on the “PC games for January 2020” list, but don’t think any less. I think Journey To The Savage Planet should be renamed a Savage Ba***rd Visits A Nice Planet. You’ve crash-landed on an alien world, where most of the creatures are minding their own business. Until you, a space a**hole, come along and start slapping them into goo or kicking them into horrible buzzsaw machines.

It’s all in aid of fixing your spaceship, which is as good an excuse as any to maim and murder. Or feed creatures chemicals until they guff out crafting materials. At the outset, it looks like a survival game, but it’s more of an action platformer.

As much as you craft new equipment to push further into the world, those rare upgrade materials behave more like Metroidvania gear-unlocks. You find them hidden in temples and they give you double jumps and grappling hooks that lead to more advanced platforming challenges.

Though I do like the use of alien seeds and goo to change the world, whether it’s planting new grapple points or dropping bouncy puddles or sticky surfaces to mess with local creatures.

It’s got a goofy sense of humor, a bright color palette, and moves along at a speedy pace – quite an enjoyable vacation to take during these colder winter months. And you can always warm your hands on the bird gas.

Coffee Talk

Best Enjoyable PC Games for January 2020

Jeez, Coffee Talk is beautiful isn’t it? I’ve always wanted to be a barista, but I enrolled on the wrong course and became a barrister. I make bad coffee, but I can get you off for murder.

Anyway: it’s the latte art I was interested in, and finally there’s a game where I can do latte art and not get judged oh, never mind. In Coffee Talk, you are a nighttime cafe owner in a fantasy version of Seattle. Here elves, orcs, mermaids, succubuses, and lots of other mythical races live together with humans.

You not only need to be a great listener, but you also need to be a good barista too. Learning how to make various drinks to suit customers’ requests. There’s a handy little smartphone that helps you learn what you need to do to make each drink, and – for some reason – smoking is allowed inside.

The music that accompanies this game is brilliant, super relaxing lo-fi and jazz selections to help give your cafe

the identity it needs. I could get lost in this game for hours, the muted color palette is absolutely fantastic, and it’s one of the most relaxing games I’ve played in recent times.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne

Monster hunter world iceborne

No. 5 on the “PC games for January 2020” list. The nauseating sight of giant cats rubbing their unhygienic paws on delicious meats can mean only one thing. The return of Monster Hunter World. Or rather, the growth of Monster Hunter World.

This is the new expansion pack, Iceborne, that adds a frozen region called Hoarfrost Reach. Here you can enjoy a hot spring with your cat sidekick – and perv on the other bathers. Or enjoy wading in the deep snow.

Of course, it’s not just for sightseeing – you can make lovely new friends, like guys who hook trees in his horns and beat you with them like it was a baseball bat.

Luckily, the icy world is as unstable for him as it is us, letting you knock him about with avalanches. Really, the appeal of Iceborne boils down to – or should that freeze up to?

More monsters, whether it’s new faces like the horrible Tigrex or some absolutely brutal new variants of existing monsters. Yep, even the things you’ve killed tens of times now hide surprises for seasoned hunters.

It makes sense as this aimed at the experienced hunter, adding Master Rank quests that you need to be Hunter Rank 16 to access.

So it’s a shot in the arm for a game that has already eaten hundreds of hours, with lots of new threats ready to destroy you.

MiniLaw: Ministry of LAW

Ministry of law

The last proper Judge Dredd game we got was in 2003, with first-person shooter Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death. Since then? The streets have gone perilously unjudged. MiniLAW changes that, albeit in an unofficial capacity.

You roam the crime-ridden streets of New Babel as a Constable, the lovechild of a Mega-City judge and RoboCop. There’s an overview map where you spot potential crime, you pull a release handle to drop out of your constable car. Then you get to work taking down some nasty criminals, with a healthy dose of authoritarian guilt on the side.

It’s not as simple as just gunning every criminal down, though. Missions give you specific targets to capture alive by shooting, punching, and kicking them (sometimes out of windows) until their health is low enough that your Microsoft Sam-style shouting scares them into surrendering.

Failing to capture “special targets,” this way gets you penalties. There’s a whole arsenal of non-lethal (and very lethal) weapons for you to play around with, too, like a sandbag cannon and a spiked gauntlet. It’s a cracking amount of fun, and the pixel art is breathtaking.

The Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners

Best Enjoyable PC Games for January 2020

I was expecting The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners to be a naff virtual reality tie-in – some kind of shooting gallery with comic book assets. Instead, it’s a fleshed-out survival adventure, with mild elements of immersive sims – your Deus Exes, etc.

As you are placed in small sandbox levels and given freedom of approach of how to tackle them – whether that’s creeping up a drainpipe (and hopefully not dropping your gun in the process), or running around like a mad man with a gun in one hand and a dagger in the other.

Of course, as much as I like the mission structure of the game, the real appeal is smacking zombies about with some full-blooded motion control: grabbing an ax with two hands to bury it into a skull, or grabbing a walker with one hand while jabbing a screwdriver into it with another – it’s really meaty stuff.

Oh, and there’s plenty of fun touches – like breaking a bottle for a makeshift shiv or popping a spare cigarette into your mouth (or offering it to dead bodies you come across). I like VR games that react to your silly experiments and role-play and this ticks a lot of those boxes – just plan some relaxation time afterward, as it’s a really full-on experience.

Speaking Simulator

Best Enjoyable PC Games for January 2020

Crikey. That’s it. That’s the entry. What the hell is this game? Even Speaking Simulator’s menu screen knows it was a mistake. “Play, Help Me, Who Did This” are your first three options all sliding down an absolutely huge tongue. This is the weirdest game in this list of pc games for January 2020.

What have I let myself in for? Well, essentially, Dance Dance Revolution only you’re moving a robotic mouth and have a tongue to steer to. Upgrades – that you do via mini data drives hidden in THEIR TEETH – also allow you to later control things like smiling, or raising an eyebrow.

That’s every bit as terrifying as it sounds. You have to follow the mouth arrows using your mouse, and then control the tongue using WASD, and oh god all of my teeth have been knocked out. The idea behind this game is to be a regular, normal human.

However, I’m sorry to say that actually you’re a robot and you’re trying to fit in with the world. I’m actually surprised by how entertaining I found this, despite getting horrified when all my teeth kept falling out because my tongue was thwacking into them, it’s pretty funny. However, the more words you get wrong, the more your character becomes borked and oh god did my ear just pop off?

Kentucky Route Zero

Kentucky Road Zero

Kentucky Route Zero is the most Lynchian video game I’ve ever played. I say that for three reasons: one, it’s a slice of abstract Americana and an insight into the dark aspects of life in the United States. Two, it dabbles in strange, temporal, and supernatural themes.

And three, I’m not exactly sure how to explain what it’s about. You’re a delivery driver for an antique shop, on your way to an address that doesn’t seem to exist. Your only direction comes from a gas station manager, who tells you to take the Zero, a mysterious road that operates counter to the laws of reality.

To get to the Bureau Of Reclaimed Paces, for example, you need to drive until you reach The Crystal, and then turn around and drive in the opposite direction. It’s like Google Maps voiced by William S Burroughs.

You could describe Kentucky Route Zero as an interactive fiction with dividing narrative paths, but I don’t think it does it justice. I’m going to have a full review on the channel soon, but I think you’re safe to take this ride without it: there’s nothing else like it, and it has to be experienced first-hand.

The Sims 4: Tiny Living

Sims 4 Tiny Living

I wouldn’t be Alice Liguori Simsfluencer if I didn’t include a new Sims 4 pack in this video. The Sims kicks of 2020 in a big way. Well… in a big… small way. Tiny Living is absolutely adorable: loads of amazing build and buy items, some lovely cozy create sim options, and new lot perks rewarding the smallest homes possible.

It’s essentially a challenge pack, which is refreshing to see. You have to build a home that is either 32 tiles, 64 tiles, or 100 tiles. Manage any of these and you get a lot of bonuses. The smaller the home, the better the bonus. But it’s not as easy as it sounds.

Especially when your roommate insists on having two doors between your kitchen and toilet. How did I manage to survive two hours of my roommate-slash-boss being a demanding man-baby? Two doors aren’t even a building regulation anymore.

Anyway, the buy mode items are soo cute, Hygge in style, but I am puzzled about this huge lamp. That’s not tiny. This is meant to be a tiny pack. That’s f**king massive. Anyway, for a more in-depth look at the pack, click the card popping up in the top right of the screen now.

Bonus: Cook, Serve, Delicious 3

Cook, Serve, Delicious

If the cat chefs of Monster Hunter World turn my stomach, the food in Cook Serve Delicious 3 has me licking my screen. If you’re new to the series it’s an arcade restaurant sim, built around juggling multiple orders of food as customers’ patience wears thin and you begin to have a breakdown because you just put guac on a chimichanga that was order plain.

F**k! Cooking itself can be managed with mouse clicks, but it’s more efficiently played as a semi-touch type game, hammering different keys to blast through recipes – or hitting face buttons on a gamepad.

Every chef develops their own tactic: some just develop muscle memory for certain dishes, others rely on mnemonics to recall keystrokes for each dish. However, you do it: when the dishes fly you feel like a culinary god. This entry – in Early Access but already packed with hours of the campaign to enjoy.

It is more user-friendly thanks to a chilled mode that removes customer patience meters, and a new feature that shows upcoming orders so you can start planning ahead. Of course, you’ll still find some way to botch it, leaving you shouting the kind of language even Gordon Ramsey wouldn’t use.

It’s fun, honest. Look at this deer, and this deer riding a horse. And this deer stretching its neck out and hooking onto walls with its antlers like a big, prehensile grappling hook.


And those are our picks for the best PC games for January 2020. Obviously, hundreds of games were released on Steam in this time, so if we’ve missed an absolute gem, do let us know. If you enjoyed this post “PC Games for January 2020: The 9 Best Enjoyable” or any post on, don’t forget to share and like the posts.

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